How does chemotherapy work ?

Chemotherapy is useful in the fight against deadly diseases such as cancer, diseases of the bone marrow and immune system. Chemotherapy is used to kill cancer cells that spread throughout the body. It is often the only treatment for cancer, but can be used in combination with other therapies. Cancer can be stopped or, in some cases, decreased growth and spread throughout the body. How does chemotherapy work ?
 Chemotherapy may be used to reduce tumor surgery, and can be used to alleviate certain symptoms of cancer, including pain.

Cells develop through a five step process. This growth process which allows cells to grow and repair tissue damage, if possible. However, both normal and cancerous cells undergo a similar growth process. In the resting phase, the cell is not yet divided. When phase begins cell division. In the first phase, it creates most proteins and the cell grows. How does chemotherapy work ?

How does chemotherapy work ? The second phase is a larger cell that starts the copying of DNA in cells themselves to new ones that are about to form. How does chemotherapy work ?The third step consists in cellular DNA of all the control cells in the queue. Step four, five refer to the cell begins to divide and finally, separating into several cells. Chemotherapy drugs attack cells that are actively spreading. However, the problem with chemotherapy is that it can mean a healthy cell divides by a multiplication of cancer cells. Chemotherapy kills cancer cells and healthy in the same way. This attack healthy cells and leads to side effects. How does chemotherapy work ?

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