" Hair loss during pregnancy " When a woman is pregnant, your body and your mind goes through many different changes . During pregnancy , there is not only a lot of physical changes that occur in the appearance of a woman , there are also mental changes that may occur. One of the most common changes in the physical appearance of a woman is the loss of hair.

 " Hair loss during pregnancy " Therefore hair loss is a problem that many women face immediately after birth . Addressing the issues of hair loss is not something that women want right after giving birth to a child. Many women are so frustrated by trying this hair loss as much as a new baby, who just finished cutting.

Typically the hair passes through three phases is phases. " Hair loss during pregnancy " The anagen phase of active growth of the hair follicles and normally takes 2-3 years. The telogen phase is the resting phase of the hair follicle before he throws , and usually takes about three months .

 The catagen phase is a short transitional phase occurs between the anagen phase, the telogen phase and normally takes 2-3 weeks. " Hair loss during pregnancy "  A person will suffer from loss of hair when the hair is forced prematurely into the telogen phase and pregnancy is one thing that can make this happen . There are many reasons for this to occur pregnancy.causes hair loss . " Hair loss during pregnancy "

" Hair loss during pregnancy " One of the main reasons for hair loss is not only the woman's body undergoes physical changes during pregnancy , but also makes it go through serious hormonal changes as well (estrogen and progesterone) that causes less hair to pull every day during pregnancy that is usually done in a daily basis ." Hair loss during pregnancy "  With this hair that women will become very heavy during pregnancy that causes the hair strands become brittle and makes it very easy to break .

 " Hair loss during pregnancy " Even after giving birth to a female body slowly begins to return to normal hormonal balance , women 's hair in the telogen initial period and start pulling and this hair loss may seem excessive , especially hair eventually grow back to normal , although in some cases , hair loss may be permanent. Another reason for the hair because the nutrients your body is losing when breastfeeding . " Hair loss during pregnancy " 

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